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Hi Brooke,
You're reading was unbelievably accurate! I really could not believe it. Brooke I have been considering acupuncture for a while and I'm seeing the doctor this evening. He is Nigerian and is in his mid-40s and 50s!

... I stopped taking so many different vitamins and now only take Folic Acid

original reading:
Reading:  "Hi N... They're also showing me something about either a "change of meds" or "cessation of a particular supplement or med" if this makes sense? Also getting a consultation coming up with a male doc 40's or 50's with dark hair...can you validate this?"


Thank you. Will keep you posted. Your prediction about my boy's conception was spot on.


Hi Brooke,
I just got my BFP today!!! You were right, March was my conception month!!!
Brooke it turns out that I am pregnant!!!! Took two BFP's! It turns out I was taking the other tests too early. Hahah!
I pray this time we carry to full term? You were accurate after all. I'm so excited and nervous! (predicted positive pregnancy test with recent IUI)
You were right again!! :-)
(accurate gender prediction)
Hi Brooke
You were right as always!!! I received the phone call yesterday at almost end of business and I was offered which I accepted of course. It even pays so much more than I currently earn.
I am so ecstatic.You were completely spot on. Thank you for being amazing
Hi:) Your message a couple of months back has really had me thinking. You wrote me months ago telling me that you saw medical assistance && or meds pop up in hopes of me conceiving. Til this day I have had no luck. It really bothered me , but two days ago I went too my OB/Gyn he checked everything && said everything was normal. Except for I'm not ovulating every month. He then proceeded too tell me that Tsh. Thyroid an hormone levels might be off causing me not too ovulate. So he took my blood. If it comes back that their too Low or high he will prescribe me some pills too get my body on track && said I will ovulate in no time. The reason why I'm coming too you w this is because I strongly feel as your message too me is adding up.
I indeed conceived last June!  (predicted May/Jun conceive/find out)
May:  Hi Brooke
You were right as always!!! I received the phone call yesterday at almost end of business and I was offered which I accepted of course. It even pays so much more than I currently earn.
I am so ecstatic.You were completely spot on. Thank you for being amazing!
Had my gender ultrasound today and we are having a girl!!! So excited!  (predicted GIRL!)
Reading: " ...I do see you pregnant again..had trouble with the timing, but if interpreting correctly looks like BY end of January for conception or when you find out. I'm also seeing a minor procedure, and "meds", if this makes sense..and an older male physician assisting..can you validate this? This "minor procedure" may be just testing, or could be IUI...."
Thank you Brooke. We have been through many infertility treatments and our son was conceived via IVF. Our other boy was from a frozen embryo transfer. The last IVF we did resulted in only one egg and it did not fertilize.We now have 4 donor embryos waiting for us and I am at the beginning of an FET cycle. My lining was too thick at baseline and my period never came, so I'm not sure if I might be cancelled.My RE is an older male, in his 60s I believe, so that does make sense. I am taking estrogen and Lupron, so that would be the meds. And a minor procedure, perhaps IUI, I would imagine would be the embryo transfer since they are similar. Pretty amazing!
"B" was hoping for a Christmas BFP My reading:  "Hi Barb...from what I'm being shown, you may very well get your wish! Or close to it! I'm getting by the end of December for conception or when you find out! A GIRL appears for this pregnancy! . I look foward to hearing of your BFP SOON!"
B: That's really good news :)
My cycle would put me finding out right around Christmas if I was pregnant or not .
Thank you a lot
You've made my day :) :) :)
"Yes, I do feel it will be very close to Christmas, if my cards are correct!"
B: Hi
I found out on the 22nd that I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!
Thank you SO much for your reading, you are spot on with some things it gave me goose bumps to read!

Thank you so much Brooke. I really do appreciate your insight into my situation. It helps me alot. 
You have touched on many things that makes alot of sense and you're pretty much right on it! I know time-frame can be difficult to nail down and also without a photo..but I'll're good!
How are you? I hope you're well and all is good! :)
I just wanted to update you, about a week ago I got a job offer but unfortunately I had to decline.
Afterwards I remembered your email and I was like "Oh my! Brooke told me I was going to!"
Quite amazing how spot on you are!
Dear Brooke
Its been a long time. I had contacted you in 2009 and all your predictions had come true.
Hi Brooke you were right I'm having a baby girl!!!!!! You was the only one of few that is right thanks so much.
Thanks so much Brooke!! Can I just say, you are good. I have only had two readings with you, but I just think you are spot on. You predicted my son when we weren't even ttc in 2013. Like spot on when we'd conceive and find out. I was so shocked. I thought you were so wrong, until I realized you were actually so right! Haha